Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hot off the Presses - The Journey

As Family Journey in Faith has grown over the last 3 years at Colonial Woods, a desire to encourage, inspire and equip as many parents as possible has risen.  This desire does not just include families of pre-school and Elementary kids, but those with pre-teens and teenagers as well.  To that end, it is my joy to begin to offer a resource for parents of ALL aged kids who wish to continue to mentor and disciple their children in the home.

"The Journey" is a quarterly (for now) newsletter available for download that provides insights, encouragement, and resources for parents as we seek to carry out the Great Commission in our families.  I know what you may be thinking:  "Oh great!  One more thing to read to fill up "all this time" I have on my hands!?!?!?"  (Sarcasm intended.)  The FJIF team understands you are busy!  We understand there are thousands of messages speaking into your marriage and family every day!  You don't necessarily need one more thing to do....

But the FJIF team also understands that God has placed each parent into the primary role to teach their kids about God.  We are the ones they will learn about any and all spiritual matters from; and as Jesus followers I very much want my kids to follow Him as well.  Take a look through "The Journey" and let God encourage you through it.

Also, let us know your thoughts and insights for future editions.  There is also a Giveaway Contest if you would like to participate.

In Him,

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