Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Various Issues

Be sure to check out our Family Journey In Faith blog in case you do not do so on a regular basis. With the popularity of the upcoming movie, The Golden Compass, it is worth your while to take a look.

Remember that on Sunday, December 16th we are having the kids sing in the morning services. This will be a special time of celebration of kids, families and Christmas. If you have any issues or questions, let me know.


The Golden Compass

Most likely you are aware of the movie being released December 7th, The Golden Compass. If not, you should be, for there is much to be concerned about. In short, this movie is the antithesis of the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. Now, the movie by itself is I am sure high quality and will be phenomenal at the box office; but that is only half the story.

This movie is based on the first book of a triology of children's books called "His Dark Materials" written by Philip Pullman. For an extensive review of these books and their symbolism you can check out Focus on the Family's Plugged-In Online. What is most disconcerting to me is that Mr. Pullman simply refuses to seek out or understand ANYTHING spiritual -

"Our home is not somewhere else. There is no elsewhere. This is a physical universe and we are physical beings made of material stuff. This is where we live." (Taken from this website.)

As you read quotes from him, you can see just how lost he is, even Islam would admit to that. This world is MUCH more than what we experience with our 5 senses, despite what Mr. Pullman would have us think. And even though he acknowledges Morality should be taught, it is short-lived and purposeless if is based only on the physical world.

What's more is that he knows the truth, as he was taught it as a young child, but "as I grew up and began to look around and see how other people thought about things, and read books and so on, naturally I began to question this, as people do. And I eventually came – after a lot of swinging this way and that, and trying things out – to the position I hold now." (Source)

Parents, be aware of this movie as your kids see and hear about it. Get informed of what it is all about. I am hoping to actually see it to judge for myself, so let me know if you want to go with sometime and perhaps can go out for a Coke to discuss it.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Take It Home Event

This coming Sunday is another round of our Take-It-Home Events at Colonial Woods. The 3 Year olds and their parents will be joining us this time learning about how to start devotions with their children. It will be held in the gym during the 2nd Service, 10:45 am.

Each participant will be given a great resource - either "My Very First Devotional Bible" or "The One Year Book of Devotions for Preschoolers." This will be a great resource for you to use as parents as you seek to instill the value of reading the Bible and developing a habit of devotions in your kids.

I will also have other resources available for purchase that are aimed at helping parents carry out the command in Deuteronomy 6:6-9:

"These commandments that I give
you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates. "
Here are two pics of what I will have available for you to purchase if you want to take your kids and families to the next level of discipleship. Click on the picture to get more information or to purchase them.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Let It Out

As I sat through my classes last week at Bethel (http://www.bethel.edu/) we were learning about the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Just what does He do? What is His purpose? We discussed the important of living in community (koinonia) and that the Christian life should not be lived in isolation. It is designed, the the unity of the Holy Spirit, to be lived in community with one another. Then I saw this commercial:

When was the last time you laughed so hard you were in pain? When was the last time you cried uncontrollably? Though I cannot remember when I cried the last time, I can remember when I laughed that hard. (Earlier this year at a play called Triple Espresso in Minneapolis, MN. (http://www.tripleespresso.com/) A night I will never forget!

If these people will show this kind of feeling and pain to a stranger simply because he is willing to listen, what should we do?

That is just a quick glimpse of what we should be TO one another. Someone to talk to, cry or laugh with, and love at all costs. I don't think we get that in this culture of the West. Our lives are broken up and separated from each other. Jesus calls us to be a vine branches (John 15), which exist only by intertwining and supporting each other.

A few things to think about.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Come One, Come All!

On November 10th there is an amazing one-day seminar coming to Troy, MI for help you further your passion and abilities in your ministry to kids and families. Children's Ministry Magazine Live will be a great time-out for you to further your investment in the lives of kids as you seek to impact them with the love of Christ.

It will be an all-day Saturday event (we will meet at the church at 7:00 AM if you wish to carpool) will be free of charge to you and include lunch. It will be located at Woodside Bible Church in Troy, MI in case you just want to meet us there. If you would like to attend, please contact Julie Weber in the church office by email or phone (810-984-5571) no later than Monday, October 22nd.

Do you want to know what your kids really think?

Or better yet - do you want to know what other parents are struggling with or thinking about? New Spring Church in Anderson, South Carolina has created a website called ParentsAreClueless.com where kids and parents alike can go and type in their secret and anonymous thoughts. This is in conjunction with a Parenting series they are starting called "The Perfect Kid." Check out the promo video here.

As I read through several of the Bubbles on either side of the page, I was struck with just how deep some hurts can go. I was also struck with how, apparently, parents and kids don't feel like they can talk to each other. Now, I do not have teenagers yet, though my time is coming, but as parents we must take the lead on talking with our parents. If you can find the time, sit down and write out some of your own secret thoughts about you fears, your kids and your spouse then take the step to share them with someone.

What do you have to loose if you do it? What do you have to loose if you don't?


Friday, October 5, 2007

Notice anything?

These pictures are from a protest in Indonesia and Pakistan on "Al-Quds Day" — Al-Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem. They are protesting the Jewish control of Jerusalem along with the Western support (namely the US) of Israel.

What do you notice in these pictures beside the guns, sign and the model of the Dome of the Rock? These are KIDS! Boys most likely 8-12 years old. Why use them in their protests? Because they are THE MOST INFLUENTIAL people on the planet! Before age 13, their ideas, values and beliefs are still being formed. If you can get this this young, you will have them for life. You can bet those guns are real!

It's been said, apparently by hundreds of people, that "the Church is only one-generation away from extinction." Muslims understand that. Hitler understood it. (Click here for more on Hitler's Youth.) I think Christians are missing it. We are also missing the point that, according to the most correct information I can find, Islam seems to be the fastest growing religion in the world - NOT Christianity. This is likely not only because of converts but due to the number of children Islamic families are having.

We need to be out there influencing children UNDER the ages of 12, and it starts with our own!


Thursday, October 4, 2007

All Kinds of Events...

In case you were not aware, there are numerous events happening this month that you should be aware of -
  • October 14th - Equip Training for ALL Children's Ministry volunteers.
  • October 20th - Clothing Giveaway for the people of Port Huron. (We need a few volunteers for the children's programming we are providing.)
  • October 27th - Make A Difference Day. Check out for information about it here.
  • October 31st - Trunk or Treat.

I blogged about the last three events at the Family Journey in Faith blog for you to check out. Also, I will be going to school once again from October 21st through November 2nd (I will only miss one Sunday, the 28th).

If you have not already done so, make room on your calender for the October 14th Equip, "Who is my Neighbor and What do I do with Them?" We will have fun, food and fellowship. What more could you want?

God Bless, Dean

On a mysterious, dark night...

We will be shining a 1 billion candelight power beacon on the city of Port Huron! But have no fear, because Trunk or Treat is here. This event is a way to bring light into what is tradtionally thought of as a dark, disturbing evening. It is a night of fun, entertainment and food. It will once again be hosted in the parking lot with over 2000 people in attendance.

There are lots of ways you can get involved with your family:

  • You can donate candy to be handed out.

  • You can decorate your trunk and hand out candy to others.

  • You can volunteer at the concessian stand selling great food.

  • You can help with parking safety.
You do NOT want to miss this event. It is likely the best one we do all year! You can check out for info at the church's website or call by emailing Pastor Dwight.
God Bless, Dean

Clothing Giveaway

Also coming up this month is another annual event, Clothing Giveaway. The Clothing Giveaway on October 20th is simply a way to bless the people of Port Huron with much needed clothes, shoes and coats to those who cannot afford it. If you have never participated, you should really consider it. You can still drop off your gently used articles of clothing until October 14th (there is a huge box in the lobby of the church).

Also this year, we have added a puppet ministry for kids to watch where they will be presented with the message of the gospel. (We do need some volunteers to play and just watch kids from 9-11 that Saturday.) No pressure, just showing the love and light of Christ to kids. Hope to see you there.

Are you ready to go MADD?

On October 27th business and churches across the nation will be taking part in Make A Difference Day, including Colonial Woods. We are looking to get volunteers from the church to go into the community performing acts of service at schools, parks, community centers, streets, etc. They will be meeting at Operation Transformation at 8:30 AM and working until lunch time. Here is a map of where they are located.

So why should your family participate? Here are just a few reasons:
  • It is an opportunity for you to intentionally pass on the Faith to your children.
  • You get to show the Love of Christ to hundreds of non-Christians around our community.
  • You fulfill God's design of helping take care of the environment and world around us.
  • You get a free lunch!
  • You could even choose your own project (and no, it cannot be to clean up your own yard).
  • The first 100 volunteers gets a new hat or visor to keep.

So why not get involved? You can sign up emailing Michele at the church or by calling the church office @ 810-984-5571.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Who is my neighbor....?

And what do I do with them? Lately, I have been impressed several times to think about how I am treating others and to review my relationships with my friends, my kids, my wife, my co-workers, my volunteers. Let's face it, life always seems to be in hyper mode - always on the go but never going very deep. We touch on so many things in our daily lives, but we never spend too much time on anything or anyone.

But is that they way it's supposed to be? Is that all here is? In the New Testament, there is a word used there to indicate what we SHOULD be focused on -at least when it comes to relationships with others. It is koinonia. It's the word used in Acts 2:42: “And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” The rest of that passage gives even more clues as to what this “fellowship” is all about:

Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:43-47, NIV)

Highlighted in green are simply the side effects of having genuine fellowship. The side effects were not the focus, but what happened as a result of having true fellowship with one another. Is it so far off to think that the modern-church should have these going as well? Do we already?

Ponder these things over the next few weeks as we will be discussing them more at our next Equip Meeting on October 14th at 6:00 PM.


FJIF Take-Home Event

Well, the next Take-Home Event is finally upon us. This coming Sunday, in the gym at Colonial Woods, we will be having our next two events. The purpose of these events is to try and give the parents a few resources and tools to be intentionally passing on their faith to their children. Here is the run-down:

  • 1st Service (9:00) 2nd Graders & Parents (Missions )
  • 2nd Service (10:45) 3rd Graders & Parnets (Get your Hands-on the Bible)

Also, in case you were not aware, Missionary Church Pastor Mark Holmen (Ventura Missionary Church) has written a new book entitled "Building Faith at Home." This is the 2nd installment of books by Mark as he seeks to spread God's vision of partnering with families to intentionally pass on the Faith to children. I have a copy of it sitting on my desk, but have not had the chance to read it yet.

Well, hope to see some of you at the event this Sunday. You will regret missing it if you cannot make it.
Til then, Dean

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

When I think 10 years down the road...

What will Colonial Woods Missionary Church look like in ten years? Better yet, what will Anchor Children's Ministry look like in 10 years? You may never think about that, but I sure do. In fact, I recently started meeting with a Children's Ministry Leadership Team once a month to help us address that very question (among other things).

We asked ourselves the question, "If money was not an obstacle, what would we like Anchor CM look like in 10 years?" I was blown away with what the group would like to see! Here are some of their dreams:
  • Computer & Internet access in each room
  • Physical play area Inside & Outside
  • So many volunteers we have to put people on a waiting list
  • Kids coming to Christ through a joint effort of parents and teachers
  • Bigger facilities for Kid's Church
  • Center-based teaching (Pre-school AND Elementary)
  • 5th & 6th Grade Discipleship Program
  • Comprehensive Safety & Security Plan

Boy, these guys sure do know how to dream big! In essence, in 10 years, I would like Anchor Children's Ministry and Family Journey in Faith to be known as "THE PLACE TO BE FOR KIDS AND FAMILIES' in the Blue Water Area! That's not asking too much, is it? Can God accomplish it? In the words of our French Canadian neighbors, absolument.

So, what are your thoughts? What ideas do you have about what you would like to see in the future at CWMC?

In Him, Dean

Quality of a Legacy Family - Conflict Resolution Skills

Often when studies are conducted they look at things from a negative perspective. For instance, researchers try to study what a good family looks like by studying what dysfunctional families are and then try to reverse it. This causes potential problems. If you look at a dysfunctional family, you can see that they argue a lot.

Well researches then say, "To be a successful family, you should not argue." Well, even strong, legacy-focused families are not immune to stress and crisis, but they are not as crisis-prone as troubled families tend to be. IT'S WHAT TAKES PLACE IN BETWEEN THE ARGUMENTS THAT MAKES A FAMILY SUCCESSFUL OR TROUBLED.

Legacy-focused families possess the ability to manage both daily stressors and difficult life crises creatively and effectively. They know how to prevent trouble before it happens, and how to work together to meet the inevitable challenges when they occur.
So next time you are in an arugument or tiff with your spouse or child, remember that to be a legacy family, you simply must strive to make peace. Here are two links that may help in making that happen. From Peacemaker Ministires, this LINK is called the Four G's to help bring positive resolution and outcome to conflicts. Or, if you simply need to confess, this LINK provide 7 A's of Confession.
Yes, it's that important.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Quality of a Legacy Family - Communication

I know you've seen in done in movies - two people start to like each other and spend a romantic evening together. Next thing you know, something gets misconstrued or misunderstood and then they get mad at each other. It's the kind of scene that makes you want to scream out "Why don't you just communicate?!?!" (Maybe it is just me who wants to do that?)

Next to having a strong faith in Christ Jesus, this is the biggest need in leaving a legacy of faith as well as a legacy of a strong marriage. Parents, it is essential to communicate with each other and with your kids. Let me challenge you do read the book pictured to the right, The Good Listener by James E. Sullivan. It is only about 130 pages long and a very quick read.
However, it is powerful in expressing the importance of listening. It shows how listening is equated with Love, when we do listen a clear message of love and belonging is heard. When we are distracted and do not clearly listen, a message of apathy is received. None of us are perfect (if you are, I would love to talk with ya), but we need to strive to listen with nothing else distracting us.
His, Dean

Birage of Information

OK, here it comes...the mother load of information. OK, that may be a little bit of an over statement, but hopefully it got your attention.

Family Journey In Faith
There will be another Family Journey in Faith event coming on September 30th. In the 1st Service we will be meeting with 2nd Graders and their parents teaching about how to become Mission minded within their family. In the 2nd Service we will be meeting with the 3rd graders and their parents to look at the importance of reading the Bible and doing devotions. Be sure to look for information in the mail and in church announcments about this great event.

We will be having our next Equip meeting on October 14th at 6-7 PM in the Carpenter Rooms (note this is a change from last year). We will primarily be using this time to re-connect with each other since the summer and also review any needed information about the coming ministry year.

Woo-hoo. My family and I will be on vacation from September 14th through 22nd. We will be in town some of the time, but will also be making a trip to AuSable Institute near Mancelon, MI for a cabin getaway. Lori is of course excited about also getting to to to Mackinaw Bridge and Island.

Along the same lines, I have one more time of going away for school to Bethel Seminary coming up from October 21st through November 2nd. This will be the last time to be gone before I graduate next May with my Master's. I CANNOT WAIT!

Distant Horizon
Coming up also in October is the Annual Clothing Giveaway and Trunk-or-Treat. This year we will be combining these events with the national Make A Difference Day. There will be more information coming up about these events in the futre.

His, Dean

It's been a while...

I know it's been a while since I last posted, but things are almost finalized for the new ministry year with nearly all volunteers in place. A HUGE THANKS to all the summer volunteers who made a difference in kids lives. You made it great! Thanks to each of you who are volunteering this school year, there are exciting things on the horizon. Be on the lookout for the letter and new sub list in the mail, if you have not already received it.

We have started a new program during the 2nd hour with the 3rd to 5th Graders called Disciplemakers! This program focuses on teaching kids to live for God in all aspects of life in the fun and engagning format of small groups. Stop by room 205 sometime and check it out, you won't regret it. As always, if you know someone who may be interested in volunteering in Children's Ministry, pass along their information.
Stay tuned for more as we go.

Monday, August 13, 2007

CM Fall Kickoff Reminder

This is to remind all of you returning to Children's Ministry this fall about our Kickoff Meeting this coming Wednesday, August 15th @ 7:00 pm. The plan is to:
  • Hand out the new curriculum

  • Connect with each other for a time of prayer

  • Play some fun games

  • Enjoy some food, and

  • Pass along needed information

Unfortunately, childcare will not be provided at this event, but please make efforts to attend. We will meet in room 205 for about 1 hour. Also, if you know of someone who may be interested in getting involved in CM, bring them as well. Please email or reply with a comment as to whether or not you plan on attending.

Thanks, Dean

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lest you think I'm crazy...

Did you see this story in the Times Herald? This young kid is already a business owner at the ripe old age of 12. Granted, he is not breaking into his first million yet, but this shows an example of what kids can accomplish when given the right motivation, encouragement and training.

Any one of the kids who attends our children's ministry could very well be the next big news story. What we hope is that it is a positive one. Too often kids, youth and families are getting negative publicity in the media today. As Christians, we should be striving to change that tune by showing how valuable kids are and how we can make an impact on them.

So share with others how fun Children's Ministry can be and what a difference they can make. Fall is coming upon us and there are always areas of need for volunteers. We especially need people on Saturday and Wednesday evenings for those ministries. So always be on the lookout for how you can make a difference in the lives of kids.

God Bless, Dean

"What do I tell my kids?"

As you may have heard, in Minneapolis yesterday a bridge of Interstate 35W fell killing several people and injuring many others. By now, some of your kids have likely seen images or heard stories from this tragedy and are wondering why this happened. There are some general guidelines that you can follow as Christian parents in helping your kids answer their questions:

1) Don't ignore the questions or feelings they have! Talk about them; better yet, let them talk and you listen.

2) Seek out answers together as a family through prayer and reading God's Word.

3) Use them as a teaching time to instill Godly character and teach them about God Himself.

4) Look for ways to help someone personally affected by the tragedy. In this case, contact the Red Cross and see how to best help.
"Faith is more often caught, not taught."

Family Fun Night

Greetings again everyone! It has been a while since I posted here as our VBS was in full swing last week. You can check out information about how it went by checking out the Anchor CM Blog. However, that is not why I am writing. Wanted to make you aware of an opportunity for your family to share in some fun with each other and other families.

On August 22nd, at 6:45, we will be showing the movie "Facing the Giants." If you have not seen this movie, it is well worth it and has a powerful message of what can be accomplished by God in your life.

So plan on attending and taking this free opportunity to instill Godly values in the lives of your child(ren). Popcorn, pop and other snacks will be available at little or no cost. So come, sit back (not too far as you may hurt yourself) and relax. See you there.


Friday, July 27, 2007

VBS Wrap-Up

Well, what an amazing week we had this year at VBS!!! We had at least 260 kids each night with over 120 volunteers. Each and everyone of you/them made an impact on the lives of kids (I also hope you enjoyed your Snickers). The last night the pre-schoolers made a craft that everyone just loves. Check out the pic of it! (Yes that's my Tali!)

The kids were also able to raise over $2000 for the Blue Water Pregnancy Care Center to help mothers and their children receive pre-natal care, counseling and supplies. As a result, I did indeed shave my head. I don't have any pics yet of the act actually taking place, but here is one of the finished project:

Again, thanks to ALL OF YOU who helped make SonForce Kids VBS 2007 a smashing success. A big thanks to Kim, Lisa, Tammy and MaryLou for the leadership and behind the scenes work.
Until next time,

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

VBS Updates

Well, we have now had 4 days of VBS and have 1 more to go! So far, we have had 40 kids receive Christ for the first time and have collected $1085 for the Blue Water Pregnancy Care Center. The kids have one more day to riase $415 in order to see me have my head shaved. (I am farily sure it will happen.)

Also, we have been averaging 260 kids each night along with well over 100 volunteers each evening as well. If you volunteers during VBS, I just want to say you have been doing a fantastic job and have truely made an impact in the lives of kids. Hope to see everyone tomorrow night, where I may be going bald!

God Bless, Dean

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean

Yes you heard it right. If the kids raise enough money ($1500) for our VBS Mission fundraiser this year, Blue Water Pregnancy Care Center, I am going to shave my head! Think that will get the kids attention!

Also, in case you are checking in how things went, we had 210 kids in attendance and raised $34.00 so far for BWPCC. I am sure more will be coming in tomorrow night! Hope to see you there.


Welcome to SonForce Kids VBS!

This post is for all of you checking out the blogsite from the conference room at Colonial Woods during our VBS week. Welcome to a great new way of communicating to our volunteers. Check around the site, look at a few links and make yourself at home.

The table you see before you is to entice you to become weekly or monthly volunteers of Anchor Children's Ministry. So be sure to sign up as we have A LOT of spaces available for you to make a difference in the life of children and impact them for God!

Thanks, Dean

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Have you checked in yet?

ATTENTION ALL SCHOOL YEAR VOLUNTEERS OF COLONIAL WOODS CHILDREN'S MINISTRY! Have you let me know if you are returning in the fall? You should have received a postcard in the mail, but I have not heard from MANY of you.

So give me a call, stop by the Church, or email me.


It's about Quality Time, Not Quantity Time

Well after years of research in original Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, the Greek word for that idea is...................bologna! I LOVE this verse in Deuteronomy:

"If a man has recently married, he must not be sent to war or have any other duty laid on him. For one year he is to be free to stay at home and bring happiness to the wife he has married." (24:5)

How great would that be! Only having one responsibility for a whole year: your family! When Pastor Phil spoke about this issue back on June 17, he used that phrase, "Dad's...PASTOR your families."

Care for them, offer input and advice, pray for them, organize activities for them, teach them, etc. Specifically, simply tell your kids something everyday about your walk with Christ. Of course, that assumes YOU ARE following Christ.

The song "A Few Good Men" by the Gaither Vocal Band is a wonderful testament to what is needed. Here is small taste:
Till next time, Dean

Friday, July 13, 2007

What does it take to change the world?

This is a commercial from Apple several years ago, long before the iPod and the new iPhone. It was when they were running their "Think Different" campaign. Check it out...

I think more often than not, we simply rest on our laurels, maintain the status quo, go along in life and not really ponder what kind of difference we can make. Let me share a brief verse with you: "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." (2 Peter 1:3-4)

We have, as believers in Christ, the VERY POWER that exists within God Himself! Now, I do not mean we are in some new age way "a god," but with the Holy Spirit living inside us we can and should in a very real sense CHANGE THE WORLD! So, what will your first step be?


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Behold, The Power of ....

Kids! Now more than ever kids are taking society and our culture by storm. Starting off with the movie Newsies to the new show "Kid Nation," kids are showing just how much power they can wield. Kid Nation is a new fall series that will air on CBS within the genre of a reality show. Some kids lead, some will follow, but all will come out changed.

Check out the link to see the preview of what it will be all about. I have a feeling this show will be a big hit! Of course some are calling it wrong with the potential to do more harm than good. At the very least it gives us and idea of how society views kids.

Then, at the same time, you have this little survey. The Pew Research Company conducted the survey (Click Here for their website). Strange how to seeminly opposite things can exist at the same time? (There is a technical name for this, I just can't think of it at the moment.)

So how important are kids to you? Do you look for opportuniteis to teach and learn from them? Do you look for ways to leave a legacy in their lives? The thing is...kids are learning something from somewhere. I would like to be a GOOD influence on them, instead of having someone else be a BAD one. As CM Volunteers, you are in a position to influence the lives of kids and families, so reach out and change the life of at least one.


The Power of Forgiveness!

Tyler Perry is a Christian man who has broke into the world of Hollywood by putting his faith and need to forgive on the big screen. Diary of a Mad Black Women and Madea's Family Reunion have been two of his greatest movies that show his heart and passion for love, family, and forgiveness.

He learned these lessons as a result of having an abusive father and holding onto that grudge well into adult hood. “The heart of who I am as a person and as a man is forgiveness,” he explains, “after forgiving my father for a lot of things that were done when I was child.”
He also states, “To understand it from a child’s point of view, when you’re looking at this man who is supposed to be your protector and take care of you, [and] he’s the one that’s causing the most pain in your life, of course that is difficult.” His movies, stories, plays and books are a powerful testimoney to God and to His love for his people. You can check out an article on CBN by visiting their website. They also have a great video interview with him.

If you struggle with where to begin living a life of legacy in your family, start with learning the power to forgive. Don't hold grudges! Realize that kids are ego-centric in all things and that you need to forgive them. Don't be afraid to say you are sorry to your kids! Admit when you make a mistake. Start here and see what happens.


Friday, June 29, 2007

SonForce Kids VBS

Greetings all you wonderful CWMC peeps (a little bit of "old school" for you)! Just wanted to make sure you know about our dynamite VBS Dates and Theme this year.

SonForce Kids will be starting Sunday, July 22nd @ 6:30 pm and running through Thursday the 26th. Did you notice the Countdown Clock up above? You can either register your kids or volunteer by stopping by the registration table that will be in the lobby for the next 4 Sundays.

Be sure to check it out!


Parents, go ahead and be a little sneaky...

I ran across this site and thought it was a pretty cool site for kids to check out: Agents-In-Motion. It is a great website for kids to get ideas on how to show Christ's Love to those within the 5 concentric circles: Family, Church, Friends, Community, & the World.

Here's a thought on getting your kids to check it out and making them think they found it themselves: You could bring up the link right before letting one of your children on the computer/internet. They would see it and hopefully think it is pretty cool. Before you know it, perhaps they are trying out some of the things listed?!
Coincidently, our VBS theme this year is SonForce Kids and goes great with this website. It will help them get ready for VBS starting July 22 at 6:30 PM (Notice the Countdown clock above?)

Also, the main website it can be found on is called KidMo. They are a DVD church curriculum development company, so it is safe.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

End of Month Check

Teachers and Volunteers, we are nearly through one month of Summer already and time seems to be flying by. We finally got some much needed rain around here and things are on "Cruise Control" for the Summer programming on Sundays. If you currently volunteering this Summer, I want to say "Way to go!" and give you a Hi-5! So here you go:

Also, for the volunteers taking the summer off - be in prayer about returning in the Fall to continue winning kids and bringing them closer to him by being involed in CM. I will be contacting each of you soon. There are some exciting things on the horizon, and you will not want to miss it.

Also, congrats to Joann Mc. on winning the free book, Rock-Solid Kids. We will do something like that again in the future. God Bless!


6 Qualities of a Legacy Family - Commitment

Continuing our look into Pastor Phil's Legacy Series, I want to highlight the 1st Quality of a Strong or Legacy Family: Commitment!

Parents, it is ESSENTIAL that you are fully committed to your spouse and your kids! Take divorce off the table and keep it off! It should NEVER be an option. I Timothy 5:8 reads: "If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

You may, however, already experienced the pain of divorce and or the separating of your family. If that is you, pay special attention: God has a special place in His Heart for you and your children!
  • "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing." -Deut. 10:18
  • Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27

Jesus loves and so do we! This is not meant to be a message of condemnation, but of love. OK, back to the issue of Commitment...

Commitment is essential for 3 things: Success, Security, & Spiritual Strength! With it, your family will inevitably fall apart. So, how can we help you achieve this? The Family Journey in Faith Team wants to see all families not only survive but thrive within the Presence of God. Let us help you be FULLY committed to your family. Feel free to contact us at dean@colonialwoodsmc.com.

'til then, Dean

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Free Book

This is really just a ploy to see who is reading this blog (and I am perfectly OK with that), but I have a free book to whomever first replies from within my own church with a comment that says they want it. Sorry to those from outside, but please keep reading my blog. The book is called "Rock-Solid Kids" by Larry Fowler of AWANA Clubs International. It came out a few years back that is an excellent resource for Christian parents to learn how to instill a Legacy of Faith into their children.

There has since come out a componian called "Rock Solid Teacher" that I do not yet have a copy of. However, if you are interested, you can purchase the book online by clicking HERE!
If this does not get someone to respond, then I must be in real trouble.
God Bless, Dean

6 Qualities of a Legacy Family

If you had attended our church services this past weekend, you would have heard a great message from Pastor Phil entitled "Six Qualities of a Legacy Family" that you can check out by clicking HERE! You can also get your own notes to complete by clicking HERE! But here is a brief review.

These six qualities come from a study secular study out of University of Nebraska that you can research further by looking at this Google Search. Here they are:

1. Commitment to the Family

2. Spending Time Together

3. Good Communication

4. Problem Solving Skills in Crisis

5. Express Love and Affection to One Another

6. Religious or Spiritual Faith

Over the coming weeks, we will look at each of these qualities more in depth, but for now ponder this statement: Quality Time Happens IN THE MIDST of Quantity Time. We will come back to these in the near future.

His, Dean

Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

To all of you dad and volunteers of CWMC, Happy Father's Day! Also, I am very excited as I get to go shooting this weekend. It is going to be a BLAST!

God Bless, Dean

Happy F__________'s Day!

I wrote the title like that on purpose to remind you, myself and others that some no longer (or never did) have fathers. My dad went to be with the Lord in August of 2002 after a battle with Lukemia. Never take your dads or your own children for granted. Truely: "You don't what you got 'til it's gone."

I Love you Dad and miss you very much.
See you at the Pearly Gates.
Your Son & Family

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What if They Knew?

Do you know the kids in your CM classroom? I mean really know them? The church is NOT immune to hurting families and children. Now more than ever our families are being attacked by Satan and Sin. Children are abused nearly every minute in our country. Divorces are taking place that are ripping children from their parents. You may be surprised to find out just what goes on in the lives of the children of CWMC.

On June 24th, you are going to get a chance to find out from one family what their life has been like over the past 2 months. That is the evening of our next Equip Meeting. It will be held at 6:00 pm in the Firside Room. We will also get a chance to discuss some ideas of how to care for hurting children and families within your classroom. You will NOT want to miss this one.


Fathers...Where are you?

We are a country of deadbeat dads! I strongly believe the number 1 place our families are falling apart is because of fathers who do not take up their proper calling to be loving fathers and dads (those two words mean entirely different things).

This article from the National Center for Fathering shows some of the statistics of absent fathers. (Also, The Belmont Foundation is a great resource to tap into.) Why is this the case? Why do fathers have such an impact on their children? Because God designed it to be that way. He chose to set up the family system of a man and a woman from the very beginning (Genesis 2 & 3). It works best that way!

However, this is reality! And more and more of our church's families are not fitting the norm. Some of you reading this blog may be in that boat. Good news! God has a special place in his heart and family for you and your children. There are tons of passages in scripture that clue us into that.

Moreover, there is a place for you here at CW! Divorce Care 4 Kids will be starting up this fall under the direction of Val Ball. If you have kids, and are divorced, then your kids will benefit greatly from it. You can contact Val at val@colonialwoodsmc.com.

Lastly, fathers, use this as a reminder to stay connected to your kids. Do whatever it takes to know what is happening in their lives. Think of how far your Heavenly Father goes to get your attention, you owe it to your own children to do the same.


Friday, June 8, 2007

This is the Truth

I ran across this video through another blog and thought I would share it with you. Watch it before reading the rest of this post.

What would happen if we turned the so-called truth upside down? At times as a CM volunteer, you may be saying to yourself "I can't do this....I don't need anyone's help...These kids are driving me nuts....What are these parents thinking." Jesus turned the truth upside down when he was cruicified on the cross when everyone expected him to rise up and become king.

Things often happen unlike we expect them and we miss the blessing in them. God has special things in store for your family, your ministry and our church. Continue to be on the lookout for where God may be turning things upside down in your life.
