Friday, July 27, 2007

VBS Wrap-Up

Well, what an amazing week we had this year at VBS!!! We had at least 260 kids each night with over 120 volunteers. Each and everyone of you/them made an impact on the lives of kids (I also hope you enjoyed your Snickers). The last night the pre-schoolers made a craft that everyone just loves. Check out the pic of it! (Yes that's my Tali!)

The kids were also able to raise over $2000 for the Blue Water Pregnancy Care Center to help mothers and their children receive pre-natal care, counseling and supplies. As a result, I did indeed shave my head. I don't have any pics yet of the act actually taking place, but here is one of the finished project:

Again, thanks to ALL OF YOU who helped make SonForce Kids VBS 2007 a smashing success. A big thanks to Kim, Lisa, Tammy and MaryLou for the leadership and behind the scenes work.
Until next time,


  1. Thanks Dean for giving the kids the motivation to earn the money for the Pregnancy Care Center. The kids loved it!!!! Take care!

  2. Dean,

    Bless you, and your VBS kids for supporting the pregnancy care center. What a worthy cause!

    You don't look bad bald, but why not grow hair if you still can?

