Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hungry For You, Jesus

In our staff Chapel time today, we sang this song.  This really struck me today and made my cry and long for my Father.  May it encourage you today, as He is waiting for you too!

How do you view children?

I ran across this sign today and wanted to share it with you:

Clearly in God's word children are called a blessing, yet in our culture they are often treated as a nuisance, a distraction and a hindrance to our success.  Just last week as my family and I (Remember, 5 kids and 2 adults) were entering a restaurant, my wife noticed a rather judgmental glance from one of the other patrons.  After sitting down and ordering our drinks, that same lady walked over on her way out and said, "When I first saw you guys coming, I thought 'Oh, No?!?;' but you have a wonderful family."

[Caveat - we have our moments!]

If we truly think children are a blessing, we will praise the families that choose to accept as many as God blesses them with.  I'm not saying everyone needs to have 4, 5, 6 or more children - I am simply stating that in our culture - WE HAVE IT BACKWARDS!  We easily take on things that the Bible calls a curse, and just as quickly reject what the Bible calls a blessing.

In Him, Dean

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stepping Up His Game

Last year NFL Quarterback Vince Young had a breakdown under the pressure of life. This year, he's stepping up his game - at least as far as real life is concerned. After the death of Steve McNair earlier this year, Vince decided to step into the lives of Steve's two boys: Trenton & Tyler.

"Those are my boys,'' Young told The Tennessean. "I wouldn't say it was to pay anyone back; it was just out of love. Steve would do it for me. He pretty much did it for me when I was growing up." Seems Vince and Steve knew each other long before becoming teammates.

Quite the dramatic turn-around in his life. Almost as maybe Someone is orchestrating it???

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The World is Changing....Rapidly

Saw this video on Facebook a few days ago and hesitated to put it on my blog. Take a look at it when you can. It's a little long, but provides some eye opening facts about how Christians are decreasing rapidly and Muslims are increasing.


Clothing Giveaway - October 10th

Coming up next month is the annual Clothing Giveaway at Colonial Woods. On October 10th, from 9-11 AM, the church will be full of families looking through tons of clothes donated to give away. IT'S ALL FREE!!!!!!!!!

Again this year we will be providing some Children's Ministry opportunities to the families coming through to look for clothes. This is a time to speak into and love on kids and their parents in a tangible way. I am looking to line up several volunteers for the 2 rooms:
  • 4 Volunteers in the Infant through 3's
  • 5 Volunteers in the 4's through 5th Grade room
If you are interested in helping others in this one time opportunity, please get in contact with me by EMAIL.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Google Search: Why Did I Get Married

If you've come to this site from Google, read below!!!!!!!!! Oh year, everyone else too.

OK, so you see that little Site Meter Stats box down a little bit on the right? That is a little way I can track how many people have visited Anchor CM's blog. It also tells me:
  • Where they live - Port Huron, Toledo, etc.
  • What Internet service provider they are using - Comcast, Verizon, etc.
  • What pages or blog entries they visited
  • what web browser - Internet Explorer, FireFox, etc., and
  • How they came across my website - Linked from another blog, etc.
So get this: the overwhelming reason people visit my site has NOTHING to do with Children's Ministry or Colonial Woods (the church I work in)!!! I get at least 5 visits per day people referred from the Google search: why did I get married. A while back I had a couple of posts talking about those popular films by Tyler Perry using them as a springboard to encourage us to be more vulnerable with our spouse.

Now, I find that interesting because I wonder why people are searching for the answer to that question. Is it because they are looking for information on the movie? Or are they searching for answers to that question for THEMSELVES??? Given our current culture and the rate of divorce in our nation, it wouldn't surprise me that people might just be turning to the Internet to give me a 1 good reason why they should stay married.

Perhaps I am reading more into this that what is necessary, but what if people do happen to stop by this site on their search for answers? What should we tell them? What would you tell them? If I had to give the one answer as to why they should stay married, it is for the reason that you got married to begin with!!!!!!!!!!

You're asking the right question - why did U get married - because the reason you got married should be the SAME reason you STAY married. What is that reason? Depends.....
  • Because I couldn't imagine spending my life without her.
  • Because I came alive when I met her (had to borrow that one, but it's TRUE).
  • Because there is no one on earth like her.
  • Because my Love for her is only bettered by God's Love for me.
What would you say to that person if you knew someone was reading this blog and asking "Why am I married?"


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

You & Your Child Making a Difference

A Facebook friend of mine is the Founder of Kids for Christ USA that helps parents HELP THEIR KIDS establish Bible clubs IN SCHOOLS. As the school year kicks off, and since we are called to be salt and light into a dark and broken world, perhaps this will be of interest to you.

First, your child MUST be attending the school in order for you to get one started there. The way it works is that your child is the "sponsor" of the weekly group and you act as a "host." Bob's vision for KFC-USA is simple:

  • Reach children in the public schools with the good news of Jesus Christ.
  • Encourage young believers in their faith; enabling them to live consistently in Christ.
  • Train and equip young believers with what they need to win others to Christ.
If you are interested, and I know some of our own Colonial Woods kids would ROCK at this, get in contact with them HERE.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

President's Speech - So Any thoughts?

Whether you watched "The Speech" here or somewhere else (or not at all), do you have any thoughts on what the President said? Basically, it seems to have come and gone much like any other thing politicians seem to say.

The President seemed to focus on the broad topic of Personal Responsibility - a topic also well covered in the Bible. Nothing earth shattering or that upsetting in the speech....except I do have one thought.

As believers, we are called to have Christ at the VERY CENTER of our lives. Seemingly everything we do and say should be done with keeping Him there. So, the millions of lost people that saw this video today: Did it help them come any closer to a relationship with their Creator? Did it help the thousands (likely more) Christian kids in public schools grow any deeper in their walk with Christ? See I don't have an issue with the President speaking to the kids in our schools...I think with parental notification and coaching they SHOULD watch the video. What I struggle with is whether or not this helps our kids and families to KNOW God more? (Even if I do not favor his opinoins and policies, his story is one many public school kids can relate to!)

I think it can if the parents step into that process. Human behavior defaults to the sinful and negative side of things. We must be intentional in teaching our kids to see God and take on Biblical values. If we leave things up to "nature," our kids will not come to it on their own. And if we believe that God's Word is sufficient for ALL OF LIFE, then a speech by some guy in a powerful office won't even phase them - one way or another.

But just don't leave it hanging there either. Take this and ANY opportunity to teach your kids about God and His Word to us.


PS - The pic is one of an actual cover off Time Magazine back in 2007. You can read the article online HERE.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I wonder....

I wonder if the video that will be shown to hundreds of thousands of kids next week in our public schools will be anything like this one. It was shown at Eagle Bay Elementary School in Farmington, Utah. As you watch it, ask if you can legitimately with Biblical grounds unwaveringly "Pledge" to everything mentioned in this video:

Some yes, but there are certainly things here I don't agree with. Again, this is only meant to provide information to parents given that MANY of you also do not agree with President Obama's administration and policies. This truly is unprecedented times!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Operation Christmas Child - Coming Soon!

This year's Operation Christmas Child will be coming soon to CWMC. It is a great opportunity to teach children about sharing the love and light of God to children around the world, and give them a global perspective. This year, Samaritan 's Purse has partnered with Big Idea on a song about Giving Christmas Away. Check out a little video about it here:

Thanks Jeni for sharing this link!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Risers for Elevate LG Room

Here are a few pics of our 2 news sets of Easy Risers in our Elevate Large Group Room @ CWMC. I think they look AWESOME!

Potential Conflicts Ahead

On September 8th President Barack Obama is going to be speaking via Satellite and TV to all the kids who attend Public schools (and possibly some private ones will show them as well). Teachers are being encouraged to make this an assignment for their kids including some pre and post work According to this website the President plans on talking about the importance of education and succeeding in school.

I bring it to your attention because unlike any president before this, it seems everyone has a rather strong opinion, one way or another, about President Obama. It seems you either like him...or you don't. As parents, our younger kids will most likely pick up on our beliefs and opinions and convey those as their own. It would not surprise me in the least to hear of classrooms becoming a place for arguing and conflict over the person of the President as there will undoubtedly be differing opinions on his politics.

Parents, if your child's school is going to be showing this speech, perhaps this would be a good opportunity for you to do some pre-work of your own with your kids.
  • Help them to understand how to know what they believe and stand up for it.
  • Teach them to test those beliefs against the Word of God and see if they hold up.
  • Coach them on how to be respectful and loving yet hold onto the Truth.
  • Finally, teach them to pray and ask for God's strength and wisdom is facing any conflict that may come up.
Again, as parents we need to be involved in the education of our kids. Education is not just about learning how to read and write, but it is about defining a set of values and beliefs as to how we should interact with the world. Also known as "A Worldview." Be sure to keep this in mind as we launch into another school year.
